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This tutorial demonstrates how to use MATLAB to create event-related BOLD time courses from fMRI datasets. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 13:39
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

In this tutorial, users learn how to compute and visualize a t-test on experimental condition differences.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 17:54
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This lesson introduces various methods in MATLAB useful for dealing with data generated by calcium imaging. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 5:02
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This tutorial demonstrates how to use MATLAB to generate and visualize animations of calcium fluctuations over time. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 15:01
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This tutorial instructs users how to use MATLAB to programmatically convert data from cells to a matrix.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 5:15
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

In this tutorial, users will learn how to identify and remove background noise, or "blur", an important step in isolating cell bodies from image data. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 17:08
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This lesson teaches users how MATLAB can be used to apply image processing techniques to identify cell bodies based on contiguity.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 11:23
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This tutorial demonstrates how to extract the time course of calcium activity from each clusters of neuron somata, and store the data in a MATLAB matrix.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 22:41
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This lesson demonstrates how to use MATLAB to implement a multivariate dimension reduction method, PCA, on time series data.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 17:19
Speaker: : Mike X. Cohen

This is the first of two workshops on reproducibility in science, during which participants are introduced to concepts of FAIR and open science. After discussing the definition of and need for FAIR science, participants are walked through tutorials on installing and using Github and Docker, the powerful, open-source tools for versioning and publishing code and software, respectively.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:20:58

This lesson continues with the second workshop on reproducible science, focusing on additional open source tools for researchers and data scientists, such as the R programming language for data science, as well as associated tools like RStudio and R Markdown. Additionally, users are introduced to Python and iPython notebooks, Google Colab, and are given hands-on tutorials on how to create a Binder environment, as well as various containers in Docker and Singularity.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:16:04

This lesson contains both a lecture and a tutorial component. The lecture (0:00-20:03 of YouTube video) discusses both the need for intersectional approaches in healthcare as well as the impact of neglecting intersectionality in patient populations. The lecture is followed by a practical tutorial in both Python and R on how to assess intersectional bias in datasets. Links to relevant code and data are found below. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 52:26

This is a hands-on tutorial on PLINK, the open source whole genome association analysis toolset. The aims of this tutorial are to teach users how to perform basic quality control on genetic datasets, as well as to identify and understand GWAS summary statistics. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:27:18
Speaker: : Dan Felsky

This is a tutorial on using the open-source software PRSice to calculate a set of polygenic risk scores (PRS) for a study sample. Users will also learn how to read PRS into R, visualize distributions, and perform basic association analyses. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:53:34
Speaker: : Dan Felsky

This lesson is an overview of transcriptomics, from fundamental concepts of the central dogma and RNA sequencing at the single-cell level, to how genetic expression underlies diversity in cell phenotypes. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:29:08

This is a tutorial introducing participants to the basics of RNA-sequencing data and how to analyze its features using Seurat. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:19:17
Speaker: : Sonny Chen

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform cell-type deconvolution in order to estimate how proportions of cell-types in the brain change in response to various conditions. While these techniques may be useful in addressing a wide range of scientific questions, this tutorial will focus on the cellular changes associated with major depression (MDD). 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:15:14
Speaker: : Keon Arbabi

This is a continuation of the talk on the cellular mechanisms of neuronal communication, this time at the level of brain microcircuits and associated global signals like those measureable by electroencephalography (EEG). This lecture also discusses EEG biomarkers in mental health disorders, and how those cortical signatures may be simulated digitally.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:11:04
Speaker: : Etay Hay

This is a tutorial on how to simulate neuronal spiking in brain microcircuit models, as well as how to analyze, plot, and visualize the corresponding data. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:39:50
Speaker: : Frank Mazza

This is an in-depth guide on EEG signals and their interaction within brain microcircuits. Participants are also shown techniques and software for simulating, analyzing, and visualizing these signals.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:30:41
Speaker: : Frank Mazza