In this course, you will learn about working with calcium-imaging data, including image processing to remove background "blur", identifying cells based on threshold spatial contiguity, time-series filtering, and principal component analysis (PCA). The MATLAB code shows data animations, capabilities of the image processing toolbox, and PCA.
Module 5: Calcium Imaging
This lesson introduces various methods in MATLAB useful for dealing with data generated by calcium imaging.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use MATLAB to generate and visualize animations of calcium fluctuations over time.
This tutorial instructs users how to use MATLAB to programmatically convert data from cells to a matrix.
In this tutorial, users will learn how to identify and remove background noise, or "blur", an important step in isolating cell bodies from image data.
This lesson teaches users how MATLAB can be used to apply image processing techniques to identify cell bodies based on contiguity.
This tutorial demonstrates how to extract the time course of calcium activity from each clusters of neuron somata, and store the data in a MATLAB matrix.
This lesson demonstrates how to use MATLAB to implement a multivariate dimension reduction method, PCA, on time series data.