The goal of this module is to work with action potential data taken from a publicly available database. You will learn about spike counts, orientation tuning, and spatial maps. The MATLAB code introduces data types, for-loops and vectorizations, indexing, and data visualization.
Module 1: Spikes
This tutorial demonstrates how to work with neuronal data using MATLAB, including actional potentials and spike counts, orientation tuing curves in visual cortex, and spatial maps of firing rates.
This lesson instructs users on how to import electrophysiological neural data into MATLAB, as well as how to convert spikes to a data matrix.
In this lesson, users will learn how to appropriately sort and bin neural spikes, allowing for the generation of a common and powerful visualization tool in neuroscience, the histogram.
Followers of this lesson will learn how to compute, visualize and quantify the tuning curves of individual neurons.
This lesson demonstrates how to programmatically generate a spatial map of neuronal spike counts using MATLAB.
In this lesson, users are shown how to create a spatial map of neuronal orientation tuning.