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This lecture covers various learning theories.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:00:42

This lesson characterizes different types of learning in a neuroscientific and cellular context, and various models employed by researchers to investigate the mechanisms involved. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 3:54
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

In this lesson, you will learn about different approaches to modeling learning in neural networks, particularly focusing on system parameters such as firing rates and synaptic weights impact a network. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 9:40
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

This lesson discusses both state-of-the-art detection and prevention schema in working with neurodegenerative diseases. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:02:29
Speaker: : Nir Giladi

While the previous lesson in the Neuro4ML course dealt with the mechanisms involved in individual synapses, this lesson discusses how synapses and their neurons' firing patterns may change over time. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 4:48
Speaker: : Marcus Ghosh

In this lesson, you will learn about how machine learners and computational neuroscientists design and build models of neuronal synapses. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 8:59
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

This lesson goes into the mechanisms behind changes in synaptic function created by learning.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 27:07
Speaker: : Carl Petersen

This lecture provides an introduction to the study of eye-tracking in humans. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 34:05
Speaker: : Ulrich Ettinger

From the retina to the superior colliculus, the lateral geniculate nucleus into primary visual cortex and beyond, this lecture gives a tour of the mammalian visual system highlighting the Nobel-prize winning discoveries of Hubel & Wiesel.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 56:31
Speaker: : Clay Reid

From Universal Turing Machines to McCulloch-Pitts and Hopfield associative memory networks, this lecture explains what is meant by computation.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 55:27
Speaker: : Christof Koch

In an overview of the structure of the mammalian neocortex, this lecture explains how the mammalian cortex is organized in a hierarchy, describing the columnar principle and canonical microcircuits.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:02:02
Speaker: : Clay Reid

The retina has 60 different types of neurons. What are their functions? This lecture explores the definition of cell types and their functions in the mammalian retina.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:07:19
Speaker: : Christof Koch

Optical imaging offers a look inside the working brain. This lecture takes a look at orientation and ocular dominance columns in the visual cortex, and shows how they can be viewed with calcium imaging.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 26:17
Speaker: : Clay Reid

Functional imaging has led to the discovery of a plethora of visual cortical regions. This lecture introduces functional imaging techniques and their teachings about the visual cortex.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:07:03
Speaker: : Clay Reid

This lecture explains these ideas and explores the task of characterizing neuronal response properties using information theory.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:01:18
Speaker: : Christof Koch

What is color? This lecture explores how color is "made" in the brain and variations of color perception including trichromacy, color blindness in men, tetrachromatic vision in women, and genetic engineering of color perception.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:11:07
Speaker: : Christof Koch

What is the difference between attention and consciousness? This lecture describes the scientific meaning of consciousness, journeys on the search for neural correlates of visual consciousness, and explores the possibility of consciousness in other beings and even non-biological structures.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:10:01
Speaker: : Christof Koch

This primer on optogenetics primer discusses how to manipulate neuronal populations with light at millisecond resolution and offers possible applications such as curing the blind and "playing the piano" with cortical neurons.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 59:06
Speaker: : Clay Reid

This is the first of two workshops on reproducibility in science, during which participants are introduced to concepts of FAIR and open science. After discussing the definition of and need for FAIR science, participants are walked through tutorials on installing and using Github and Docker, the powerful, open-source tools for versioning and publishing code and software, respectively.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:20:58

This lesson contains both a lecture and a tutorial component. The lecture (0:00-20:03 of YouTube video) discusses both the need for intersectional approaches in healthcare as well as the impact of neglecting intersectionality in patient populations. The lecture is followed by a practical tutorial in both Python and R on how to assess intersectional bias in datasets. Links to relevant code and data are found below. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 52:26