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This video will document the process of creating a pipeline rule for batch processing on brainlife.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 0:57
Speaker: :

This video will document the process of launching a Jupyter Notebook for group-level analyses directly from brainlife.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 0:53
Speaker: :

This lecture introduces you to the basics of the Amazon Web Services public cloud. It covers the fundamentals of cloud computing and goes through both the motivations and processes involved in moving your research computing to the cloud.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 3:09:12

This lecture covers concepts associated with neural nets, including rotation and squashing, and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at New York University's Center for Data Science (CDS).

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:01:53
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of neural nets training (tools, classification with neural nets, and PyTorch implementation) and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:05:47
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture discusses the concept of natural signals properties and the convolutional nets in practice and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:09:12
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of recurrent neural networks: vanilla and gated (LSTM) and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:05:36
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of inference in latent variable energy based models (LV-EBMs) and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:01:04
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This panel discussion covers how energy based models are used and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 10:42

This tutorial covers the concept of training latent variable energy based models (LV-EBMs) and is is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:04:48
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This tutorial covers LV-EBM to target prop to (vanilla, denoising, contractive, variational) autoencoder and is a part of the Advanced Energy-Based Models module of the the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this course include: Energy-Based Models IEnergy-Based Models IIEnergy-Based Models III, Energy-Based Models IV, and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:00:34
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This tutorial covers the concepts of autoencoders, denoising encoders, and variational autoencoders (VAE) with PyTorch, as well as generative adversarial networks and code. It is a part of the Advanced energy based models modules of the the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this course include: Energy-Based Models IEnergy-Based Models IIEnergy-Based Models IIIEnergy-Based Models IV, Energy-Based Models V, and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:07:50
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This tutorial covers advanced concept of energy-based models. The lecture is a part of the Associative Memories module of the the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. 

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:12:00
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This tutuorial covers the concept of graph convolutional networks and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this module include: Modules 1 - 5 of this course and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 57:33
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of model predictive control and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this module include: Models 1-6 of this course and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:10:22
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concepts of emulation of kinematics from observations and training a policy. It is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this module include: Models 1-6 of this course and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:01:21
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of predictive policy learning under uncertainty and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this module include: Models 1-6 of this course and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:14:44
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture continues on the topic of descent from the previous lesson, Optimization I. This lesson is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. Prerequisites for this module include: Models 1-7 of this course and an Introduction to Data Science or a Graduate Level Machine Learning course.

Difficulty level: Advanced
Duration: 1:51:32
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lesson contains practical exercises which accompanies the first few lessons of the Neuroscience for Machine Learners (Neuro4ML) course. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 5:58
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

This video briefly goes over the exercises accompanying Week 6 of the Neuroscience for Machine Learners (Neuro4ML) course, Understanding Neural Networks.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 2:43
Speaker: : Marcus Ghosh