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This lecture introduces you to the basics of the Amazon Web Services public cloud. It covers the fundamentals of cloud computing and goes through both the motivations and processes involved in moving your research computing to the cloud.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 3:09:12

This lecture discusses how FAIR practices affect personalized data models, including workflows, challenges, and how to improve these practices.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 13:16
Speaker: : Kelly Shen

In this talk, you will learn how works, and how it can be applied to neuroscience data.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 10:14
Speaker: : Franco Pestilli

As a part of NeuroHackademy 2020, this lecture delves into cloud computing, focusing on Amazon Web Services. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 01:43:59

This lesson continues from part one of the lecture Ontologies, Databases, and Standards, diving deeper into a description of ontologies and knowledg graphs. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 50:18
Speaker: : Jeff Grethe

This lecture covers FAIR atlases, including their background and construction, as well as how they can be created in line with the FAIR principles.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 14:24
Speaker: : Heidi Kleven

This lecture focuses on ontologies for clinical neurosciences.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 21:54

This lecture covers the NIDM data format within BIDS to make your datasets more searchable, and how to optimize your dataset searches.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 12:33
Speaker: : David Keator

This lecture covers positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS), and how they work together within the PET-BIDS standard to make neuroscience more open and FAIR.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 12:06
Speaker: : Melanie Ganz

This lecture discusses the FAIR principles as they apply to electrophysiology data and metadata, the building blocks for community tools and standards, platforms and grassroots initiatives, and the challenges therein.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 8:11
Speaker: : Thomas Wachtler

This lecture discusses how to standardize electrophysiology data organization to move towards being more FAIR.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 15:51

This lesson contains practical exercises which accompanies the first few lessons of the Neuroscience for Machine Learners (Neuro4ML) course. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 5:58
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

This video briefly goes over the exercises accompanying Week 6 of the Neuroscience for Machine Learners (Neuro4ML) course, Understanding Neural Networks.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 2:43
Speaker: : Marcus Ghosh

This lecture covers the history of behaviorism and the ultimate challenge to behaviorism. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:19:08

This lecture covers various learning theories.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:00:42

This lesson characterizes different types of learning in a neuroscientific and cellular context, and various models employed by researchers to investigate the mechanisms involved. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 3:54
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

In this lesson, you will learn about different approaches to modeling learning in neural networks, particularly focusing on system parameters such as firing rates and synaptic weights impact a network. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 9:40
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

This lecture provides an introduction to the study of eye-tracking in humans. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 34:05
Speaker: : Ulrich Ettinger

This lecture provides an introduction to the application of genetic testing in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 37:47

This lesson describes the fundamentals of genomics, from central dogma to design and implementation of GWAS, to the computation, analysis, and interpretation of polygenic risk scores. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:28:16
Speaker: : Dan Felsky