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This lesson provides an introduction to the DataLad, a free and open source distributed data management system that keeps track of your data, creates structure, ensures reproducibility, supports collaboration, and integrates with widely used data infrastructure.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 22:56

This lesson introduces several open science tools like Docker and Apptainer which can be used to develop portable and reproducible software environments. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 17:22
Speaker: : Joanes Grandjean

In this hands-on session, you will learn how to explore and work with DataLad datasets, containers, and structures using Jupyter notebooks. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 58:05

This lecture provides a detailed description of how to incorporate HED annotation into your neuroimaging data pipeline. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 33:36
Speaker: : Dung Truong

This talk covers the differences between applying HED annotation to fMRI datasets versus other neuroimaging practices, and also introduces an analysis pipeline using HED tags. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 22:52
Speaker: : Monique Denissen

Introduction of the Foundations of Machine Learning in Python course - Day 01.

High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, University of Bonn

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 35:24
Speaker: : Elena Trunz

This video will document the process of uploading data into a brainlife project using ezBIDS.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 6:15
Speaker: :

This short video walks you through the steps of publishing a dataset on brainlife, an open-source, free and secure reproducible neuroscience analysis platform.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:18
Speaker: :

This video shows how to use the interface to edit the participants' info file. This file is the ParticipantInfo.json file of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 0:34
Speaker: :

This video will document the process of visualizing the provenance of each step performed to generate a data object on brainlife.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 0:21
Speaker: :

This video will document the process of downloading and running the "" script, which will automatically run all of the steps to generate a data object locally on a user's machine.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 3:44
Speaker: :

This brief video walks you through the steps necessary when creating a project on 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:45
Speaker: :

This quick video presents some of the various visualizers available on

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:11
Speaker: :

This video demonstrates each required step for preprocessing T1w anatomical data in

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 3:28
Speaker: :

This brief video rus through how to make an accout on

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 0:30
Speaker: :

This video will document how to run a correlation analysis between the gray matter volume of two different structures using the output from brainlife app-freesurfer-stats.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:33
Speaker: :

This short video shows how a publication can be opened from the Data Deposition page of the journal Nature Scientific Data.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 2:25
Speaker: :

This short video shows how data in a publication can be opened from a DOI inside a published article. The video provides an example of how the DOI deposited on the journal can be opened with a web browser to redirect to the associated data publication on

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 2:18
Speaker: :

This lesson gives a brief introduction to the course Neuroscience for Machine Learners (Neuro4ML). 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:25
Speaker: : Dan Goodman

This lesson covers the history of neuroscience and machine learning, and the story of how these two seemingly disparate fields are increasingly merging. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 12:25
Speaker: : Dan Goodman