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This lecture goes into detailed description of how to process workflows in the virtual research environment (VRE), including approaches for standardization, metadata, containerization, and constructing and maintaining scientific pipelines. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:03:55
Speaker: : Patrik Bey

This video will document the process of creating a pipeline rule for batch processing on brainlife.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 0:57
Speaker: :

This video will document the process of launching a Jupyter Notebook for group-level analyses directly from brainlife.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 0:53
Speaker: :

This lecture introduces you to the basics of the Amazon Web Services public cloud. It covers the fundamentals of cloud computing and goes through both the motivations and processes involved in moving your research computing to the cloud.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 3:09:12

This lesson continues from part one of the lecture Ontologies, Databases, and Standards, diving deeper into a description of ontologies and knowledg graphs. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 50:18
Speaker: : Jeff Grethe

This lecture gives an introduction to the European Academy of Neurology, its recent achievements and ambitions.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 21:57
Speaker: : Paul Boon

This lecture discusses the the importance and need for data sharing in clinical neuroscience.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 25:22
Speaker: : Thomas Berger

This lecture presents the Medical Informatic Platform's data federation for Traumatic Brain Injury.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 25:55
Speaker: : Stefano Finazzi

This lecture gives an overview on the European Health Dataspace. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 26:33

This lecture presents the Medical Informatics Platform's data federation in epilepsy.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 27:09
Speaker: : Philippe Ryvlin

This lesson describes how DataLad allows you to track and mange both your data and analysis code, thereby facilitating reliable, reproducible, and shareable research.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 59:34

The International Brain Initiative (IBI) is a consortium of the world’s major large-scale brain initiatives and other organizations with a vested interest in catalyzing and advancing neuroscience research through international collaboration and knowledge sharing. This workshop introduces the IBI, the efforts of the Data Standards and Sharing Working Group,  and keynote lectures on the impact of data standards and sharing on large-scale brain projects, as well as a discussion on prospects and needs for neural data sharing.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 2:06:58

This lecture covers how you can make your data public through EBRAINS. This talk focuses on the ethical considerations for sharing data, the requirements that are imposed by various regulations, particularly for sharing human data. The lecture also includes a discussion of how EBRAINS designs its services to deal with the ethical and regulatory aspects of sharing these kinds of data.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 16:15

This lecture discusses differential privacy and synthetic data in the context of medical data sharing in clinical neurosciences.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 20:26

This presentation discusses the impact of data sharing in stroke.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 16:33
Speaker: : Valeria Caso

This talks discusses data sharing in the context of dementia. It explains why data sharing in dementia is important, how data is usually shared in the field and illustrates two examples: the Netherlands Consortium Dementia cohorts and the European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 21:21

This talk introduces data sharing initiatives in Epilepsy, particularly across Europe.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 13:56
Speaker: : J. Helen Cross

This is the first of two workshops on reproducibility in science, during which participants are introduced to concepts of FAIR and open science. After discussing the definition of and need for FAIR science, participants are walked through tutorials on installing and using Github and Docker, the powerful, open-source tools for versioning and publishing code and software, respectively.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:20:58

This lesson breaks down the principles of Bayesian inference and how it relates to cognitive processes and functions like learning and perception. It is then explained how cognitive models can be built using Bayesian statistics in order to investigate how our brains interface with their environment. 

This lesson corresponds to slides 1-64 in the PDF below. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:28:14

This is a tutorial on designing a Bayesian inference model to map belief trajectories, with emphasis on gaining familiarity with Hierarchical Gaussian Filters (HGFs).


This lesson corresponds to slides 65-90 of the PDF below. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:15:04
Speaker: : Daniel Hauke