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This Jupyter Book is a series of interactive tutorials about quantitative T1 mapping, powered by qMRLab. Most figures are generated with – you can play with them by hovering your mouse over the data, zooming in (click and drag) and out (double click), moving the sliders, and changing the drop-down options. To view the code that was used to generate the figures in this blog post, hover your cursor in the top left corner of the frame that contains the tutorial and click the checkbox “All cells” in the popup that appears.

Jupyter Lab notebooks of these tutorials are also available through MyBinder, and inline code modification inside the Jupyter Book is provided by Thebelab. For both options, you can modify the code, change the figures, and regenerate the html that was used to create the tutorial below. This Jupyter Book also uses a Script of Scripts (SoS) kernel, allowing us to process the data using qMRLab in MATLAB/Octave and plot the figures with using Python, all within the same Jupyter Notebook.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Speaker: :

This lecture covers concepts associated with neural nets, including rotation and squashing, and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at New York University's Center for Data Science (CDS).

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:01:53
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of neural nets training (tools, classification with neural nets, and PyTorch implementation) and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:05:47
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture discusses the concept of natural signals properties and the convolutional nets in practice and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:09:12
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of recurrent neural networks: vanilla and gated (LSTM) and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:05:36
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This lecture covers the concept of inference in latent variable energy based models (LV-EBMs) and is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:01:04
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This tutorial covers the concept of training latent variable energy based models (LV-EBMs) and is is a part of the Deep Learning Course at NYU's Center for Data Science.

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:04:48
Speaker: : Alfredo Canziani

This is a tutorial on designing a Bayesian inference model to map belief trajectories, with emphasis on gaining familiarity with Hierarchical Gaussian Filters (HGFs).


This lesson corresponds to slides 65-90 of the PDF below. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:15:04
Speaker: : Daniel Hauke

This is a hands-on tutorial on PLINK, the open source whole genome association analysis toolset. The aims of this tutorial are to teach users how to perform basic quality control on genetic datasets, as well as to identify and understand GWAS summary statistics. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 1:27:18
Speaker: : Dan Felsky

In this third and final hands-on tutorial from the Research Workflows for Collaborative Neuroscience workshop, you will learn about workflow orchestration using open source tools like DataJoint and Flyte. 

Difficulty level: Intermediate
Duration: 22:36
Speaker: : Daniel Xenes