Neural Oscillations and Networks - II
Neural Oscillations and Networks - II
This lesson continues from the previous lecture, giving an overview of various neural phenomena such as oscillations and bursting.
Topics covered in this lesson
- Bursting, unstable periodic orbits
- Square wave burst
- Elliptic burst
- Parabolic burst
- Excitatory and inhibitory synapses
- Phase resetting curve
- Phase and limit cycles
- Isochrones ('equal time' curves)
External Links
Some familiarity with the electrical properties of neurons, for instance the (longer) introductory lectures in Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function or the (shorter) tutorial series on Basic Mathematics for Computational Neuroscience. Knowledge of differential equations. Some familiarity with dynamical systems concepts and/or linear algebra (stability, equilibrium, matrices, finding eigenvalues).
The previous lectures in the series.
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