As research methods and experimental technologies become ever more sophisticated, the amount of health-related data per individual which has become accessible is vast, giving rise to a corresponding need for cross-domain data integration, whole-person modelling, and improved precision medicine. This course provides lessons describing state of the art methods and repositories, as well as a tutorial on computational methods for data integration.
Population-Based Data Resources & Integrative Research Methods
This lesson gives a description of the BrainHealth Databank, a repository of many types of health-related data, whose aim is to accelerate research, improve care, and to help better understand and diagnose mental illness, as well as develop new treatments and prevention strategies.
This lesson corresponds to slides 46-78 of the PDF below.
This lesson describes not only the need for precision medicine, but also the current state of the methods, pharmacogenetic approaches, utility and implementation of such care today.
This lesson corresponds to slides 1-50 of the PowerPoint below.
This lecture discusses what defines an integrative approach regarding research and methods, including various study designs and models which are appropriate choices when attempting to bridge data domains; a necessity when whole-person modelling.
Similarity Network Fusion (SNF) is a computational method for data integration across various kinds of measurements, aimed at taking advantage of the common as well as complementary information in different data types. This workshop walks participants through running SNF on EEG and genomic data using RStudio.