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Mozak is a scientific discovery game about neuroscience for citizen scientists and neuroscientists alike. Players to help neuroscientists build models of brain cells and learn more about the brain through their efforts.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 00:43
Speaker: : Mozak

This module explains how neurons come together to create the networks that give rise to our thoughts. The totality of our neurons and their connection is called our connectome. Learn how this connectome changes as we learn, and computes information.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 7:13
Speaker: : Harrison Canning

This module covers how neurotechnology is perceived in media today. We discuss a few specific films and talk about how the perception of neurotechnology changes with our media. Finally, we introduce a few interesting terms related to ethics and address some future issues the technology may cause.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 12:03
Speaker: : Colin Fausnaught