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This lesson contains both a lecture and a tutorial component. The lecture (0:00-20:03 of YouTube video) discusses both the need for intersectional approaches in healthcare as well as the impact of neglecting intersectionality in patient populations. The lecture is followed by a practical tutorial in both Python and R on how to assess intersectional bias in datasets. Links to relevant code and data are found below. 

Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 52:26

In February 2020, the Canadian government published its "Roadmap for Open Science" to provide overarching principles and recommendations to guide Open Science activities in federally funded scientific research.  It outlines broad guidelines for making science in Canada open to all while respecting privacy, security, ethical considerations, and appropriate intellectual property protection.

Difficulty level: Beginner
Speaker: :

An introduction to data management, manipulation, visualization, and analysis for neuroscience. Students will learn scientific programming in Python, and use this to work with example data from areas such as cognitive-behavioral research, single-cell recording, EEG, and structural and functional MRI. Basic signal processing techniques including filtering are covered. The course includes a Jupyter Notebook and video tutorials.


Difficulty level: Beginner
Duration: 1:09:16
Speaker: : Aaron J. Newman