The Cognitive Revolution, New AI, and Living Machines
The Cognitive Revolution, New AI, and Living Machines
This lecture covers a lot of post-war developments in the science of the mind, focusing first on the cognitive revolution, and concluding with living machines.
Topics covered in this lesson
- Miller, Gallanter and Pribram TOTE (Test Operate Test Execute) model
- Wiener’s cybernetics
- McCullough model of the neuron as a cybernetic system
- Von Neumann’s computer architecture, and the architecture of the mind
- Rosenblatt’s Perceptron
- Minsky and Papert on the limitations of perceptrons
- Newell and Simon’s Physical Symbol Systems hypothesis
- Functionalism in philosophy
- Brooks subsumption architecture
- Braitenberg vehicles
- Situatedness and emergence
- Morphological computation
- Distributed Adaptive Control architecture
- Living machines
(7.57 MB)
Reading Materials - Newell
(1.2 MB)
Reading Materials - Rosenblatt
(1.55 MB)
Reading Materials - Braitenberg
(426.05 KB)
Reading Materials - Brooks
(135.45 KB)
Reading Materials - Von Uexkull
(9.09 MB)
Reading Materials - Verschure
(347.02 KB)
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